Reset/Forgot Password

Reset/Forgot Password

Reset Password - Users

The organization users can reset their password themselves. In order to do so, it is mandatory for the user to know their current password. If you don't know or forgot your password, you can follow these instructions to regain access to your account.

  1. Login to
  2. Go to the Security section.
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. Enter the new password.
  5. Select the other related options on the same page
  6. Click Save.

The password to your Zoho account will be updated.

Forgot Password: User Account

If any organization users forget their password, they can request the admin to reset their password reset. For the admin to reset the password, 

  1. Login to Zoho Mail Admin Console and navigate to Users in the left pane.
  2. Search and navigate to the user you want to change/update the password.
  3. On the user's page, navigate to Security and then Change Password in the left menu.
  4. Enter the password you want to set for the user and confirm the same again.
  5. You can check the Force user to change password on next login option if you don't want the user to continue with the password provided by you.
  6. You can check the Sign out of all devices option to make sure the account is secure.
  7. Once done, click Change.

You have successfully changed the password of the user. After updating the password, you can give the password to the respective user so that they can log in to their account.

Forgot Password: Admin Account

If an Administrator has forgotten the password to his/her account, other Administrators can be requested to reset the password. It might be safe for Administrators to have other external email addresses linked to their accounts in cases of emergency. In such cases, they can request the password reset link to be sent to their secondary email address and access it from there.

Resetting your Forgotten Password:

  1. Go to the Zoho Mail login page.
  2. Click the Forgot Password button.
  3. Enter the registered email or mobile number, and the captcha.
  4. You might also have to enter the latest password you remember. If you don't remember any previous passwords, you can also choose to receive an OTP to your registered mobile number or email address.
  5. If you've entered the email address, check your secondary email address and follow the instructions given.
  6. If you've entered your mobile number, check for the verification code, and enter it.
  7. Once done, you will be able to reset your password.